Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shopping, Anyone?

In last Sunday's New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman, writing about the financial crisis, said: "...now is when we need a president who has the skill, the vision and the courage to cut through this cacophony, pull us together as one nation and inspire and enable us to do the one thing we can and must do right now: Go shopping." We couldn't agree more! That is why Temple Beth El has just opened our new Chanukah Shop. We encourage you to support the economy, support Temple Beth El, and enhance your Chanukah celebration. Our shop is open Wednesdays 11-2 and 4-7, Fridays 11-2 and 7-7:30, and Sundays 10-1 from now until Chanukah. We guarantee you will find items that you love and have not seen before, and we're making it easy for you to do all of your Chanukah shopping right here.

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