Monday, September 29, 2008

Apples and Honey

Why do we dip apples in honey on Rosh Hashanah?

When we pray on the High Holy Days, we repeatedly ask God to grant us a good, sweet year. By dipping the (already) sweet apple in honey, we create a tangible ritual that expresses our hopes and wishes. If you google "apples and honey" you will find a variety of mystical and esoteric explanations for the choice of an apple, but one obvious reason is that apples are coming into season right about now.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are blessed with many local sources of this most popular fruit. This season, why not treat yourself to a trip to one of our local orchards, where you can pick your own apples? This supports our local farmers, saves energy, and gets you the freshest fruit possible. Not only that; it is FUN!

Here is a list of nearby picking orchards and apple farms:
High Meadow Orchards
16003 High Bridge Rd.
Monroe, WA 98272
Snomohish County, Washington

Lattin's Country Cider Mill & Farm
9402 Rich Road SE
Olympia, WA 98516
Thurston County, Washington
Phone: (360) 491-7328

Rosabella's Garden Bakery
8933 Farm to Market Road
Bow, WA 98232
Skagit County, Washington
Phone: (360) 766-6360

Wishing you a very sweet and good New Year 5769.
Shanah Tovah u'm'tukah.

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